Cool Summer Nights
Open till 9:00 p.m. on Saturdays
June 8 - August 24, 2024

网上买球十大正规平台白天很可爱,但天黑后就更凉爽了! 整个夏天每周六晚上加入推荐一个买球网站,一边避暑,一边学习一些整洁的东西! 当夜行动物醒来时,沙漠在夜间变得活跃起来. 蝙蝠在追逐猎物时表演空中杂技, beavers splash around in their pond, and scorpions glow green under black light. Bring your flashlight and explore, grab a local beer and wander, experience a live animal encounter, scamper in Packrat Playhouse, feel the touch of a stingray, or participate in special nightly activities. See the schedule below for weekly themes.

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Exhibit Closing Times

有些展览出于安全原因提前关门,或者是为了让动物们闭上眼睛! The gardens will close at 6:45 p.m.鸟舍和沙漠环线将在晚上7点关闭.m.

Shopping and Dining Closing Times


The Ocotillo Café is open from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.
phoebe ' s Coffee Bar全天营业至晚上9点.m.

A few menu items from the Ocotillo Café

Photo of Birra Photo of Burger Photo of Dawg Photo of Sopes
(gf) Birria——慢煮牛肉配胡椒芝士玉米饼, served with cilantro, onion, radish and consume for dipping Southwest Bbq Burger — prime rib steak burger, pineapple braised pork, pepperjack cheese, red onion, and house made chipotle Dr. 胡椒烧烤酱,配以烤墨西哥胡椒的烤面包 主厨的索诺兰道-所有的弗兰克牛肉包裹着苹果木烟熏培根, topped with pinto beans, blended cheese, fresh salsa fresca, mustard, 还有烤墨西哥胡椒蒜泥蛋黄酱配新鲜的自制炸玉米饼卷 (gf) Sopes — Lightly fried masa shells, with refried beans, shredded chicken, cotija cheese, cilantro, radish, and topped with salsa verde
Couple walking the grounds
Coiled Rattlesnake


请记住:当夜幕降临时,响尾蛇会更加活跃. 它们是推荐一个买球网站自然环境的重要组成部分,但如果你发现一只, 请通知任何志愿者或工作人员并保持距离. 一定要注意你的手放在哪里 & feet. Thank you!

Weekly Themes


June 8 — World Oceans Night

为什么一个以沙漠为主题的博物馆要庆祝世界海洋日? 水是索诺兰沙漠最宝贵的资源之一, which includes the Gulf of California. 这片水域是一个支持系统——不仅对推荐一个买球网站来说,对生活在其中的生物也是如此. 为纪念世界海洋日,让推荐一个买球网站穿上蓝色的衣服,一起庆祝蓝色! Bring your flashlight and explore, experience live animal encounters, scamper in Packrat Playhouse, feel the touch of a stingray, and more!

Signature Drink — Ocean Blue Cocktail
6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Conservation activities and info from: Desert Dolphins, The Dive Shop, Shark Shawn, Borton School Vaquita, Tucson Botanical Gardens, University of Arizona Biosphere 2, & CEDO:沙漠与海洋跨文化研究中心.
7:00 - 7:45 p.m. Climate and the Deep Blue Sea
享受空调狱长绿洲剧院的凉爽,同时听取推荐一个买球网站的特色扬声器, Dr. 来自亚利桑那大学地球科学系的Joellen Russell说.
Throughout the Night
寻找周围的博物馆讲解员讲解活体动物, celestial desert skies, fluorescent minerals, bats, kissing bugs, scorpions, rattlesnakes, and more!
6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Stingray Touch Exhibit
Admission: $2 Members / $3 Non-Members
游客们可以在“黄貂鱼之触”体验中与这些迷人的生物一起创造属于自己的时刻. 游泳池设有牛鼻黄貂鱼,客人可以与之互动. Be touched by a ray!
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Packrat Playhouse
这个室内游戏空间让孩子们通过背包鼠的眼睛发现沙漠! Packrat Playhouse may reach capacity. Packrat剧场入口处设有30分钟的预留游戏时间.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Art Exhibits

June 15 — All About Art

Did you know the Desert Museum has its own Art Institute? 探索世界各地的艺术. Bring your flashlight and explore, scamper in Packrat Playhouse, feel the touch of a stingray, or participate in special nightly activities.

Signature Drink — Frida Mezcahlo
5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Opening Reception of 'Seeds, Saguaros & Skeletons'
5:30 - 8:00 p.m. Live painters
图森的Plein Aire画家将在整个场地上创作他们的杰作.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Scavenger hunt
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Coloring station tent
6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Live music by Unified Field Theory
Throughout the Night
寻找周围的博物馆讲解员讲解活体动物, celestial desert skies, fluorescent minerals, bats, kissing bugs, scorpions, rattlesnakes, and more!
6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Stingray Touch Exhibit
Admission: $2 Members / $3 Non-Members
游客们可以在“黄貂鱼之触”体验中与这些迷人的生物一起创造属于自己的时刻. 游泳池设有牛鼻黄貂鱼,客人可以与之互动. Be touched by a ray!
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Packrat Playhouse
这个室内游戏空间让孩子们通过背包鼠的眼睛发现沙漠! Packrat Playhouse may reach capacity. Packrat剧场入口处设有30分钟的预留游戏时间.

June 22 — Dino Night

你听说过索诺拉龙是亚利桑那州的州属恐龙吗? 根据化石,估计这种恐龙大约有50英尺长,4000磅重. 来看看真正的索诺拉龙骨头(只在网上买球十大正规平台)! 你也可以成为一名业余古生物学家,在推荐一个买球网站的古亚利桑那展览中挖掘化石. Bring your flashlight and explore, grab a local beer and wander, experience live animal encounters, scamper in Packrat Playhouse, feel the touch of a stingray, and more!

Signature Drink — Jurassic Punch
Throughout the Night
寻找周围的博物馆讲解员讲解活体动物, celestial desert skies, fluorescent minerals, bats, kissing bugs, scorpions, rattlesnakes, and more!
6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Stingray Touch Exhibit
Admission: $2 Members / $3 Non-Members
游客们可以在“黄貂鱼之触”体验中与这些迷人的生物一起创造属于自己的时刻. 游泳池设有牛鼻黄貂鱼,客人可以与之互动. Be touched by a ray!
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Packrat Playhouse
这个室内游戏空间让孩子们通过背包鼠的眼睛发现沙漠! Packrat Playhouse may reach capacity. Packrat剧场入口处设有30分钟的预留游戏时间.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Art Exhibits
Make sure to check out 'Seeds, Saguaros & Skeletons' in the Ironwood Gallery!

June 29 — Astronomy Night (extra late 10:00 p.m. end time)

图森可以说是美国最适合观星的城市. 在推荐一个买球网站的望远镜站观赏夜空奇观,享受太空主题活动! Bring your flashlight and explore, grab a local beer and wander, experience a live animal encounter, scamper in Packrat Playhouse, feel the touch of a stingray, 并从推荐一个买球网站的讲解员那里了解更多关于星图的知识.

Signature Drink — Lost in Space Martini
Throughout the Night
寻找博物馆讲解员讲解特殊的恐龙套件, live animals, celestial desert skies, fluorescent minerals, bats, kissing bugs, scorpions, rattlesnakes, and more!
6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Stingray Touch Exhibit
没有去游泳的夏日是不完整的! 将你的手浸入水中,体验黄貂鱼的触感. $3.00/person, $2.00/Museum members.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Packrat Playhouse
这个室内游戏空间让孩子们通过背包鼠的眼睛发现沙漠! Packrat Playhouse may reach capacity. Packrat剧场入口处设有30分钟的预留游戏时间.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Art Exhibits
Make sure to check out 'Seeds, Saguaros & Skeletons' in the Ironwood Gallery!

July 6 — Creatures of the Night

当夜行动物醒来时,沙漠在夜间变得活跃起来. 蝙蝠在追逐猎物时表演空中杂技, beavers splash around in their pond, and scorpions glow green under black light. Bring your flashlight and explore, grab a local beer and wander, experience a live animal encounter, scamper in Packrat Playhouse, feel the touch of a stingray, or participate in special nightly activities.

Signature Drink — Snake in the Grass Cocktail
Throughout the Night
寻找周围的博物馆讲解员讲解活体动物, celestial desert skies, fluorescent minerals, bats, kissing bugs, scorpions, rattlesnakes, and more!
6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Stingray Touch Exhibit
没有去游泳的夏日是不完整的! 将你的手浸入水中,体验黄貂鱼的触感. $3.00/person, $2.00/Museum members.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Packrat Playhouse
这个室内游戏空间让孩子们通过背包鼠的眼睛发现沙漠! Packrat Playhouse may reach capacity. Packrat剧场入口处设有30分钟的预留游戏时间.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Art Exhibits
Make sure to check out 'Seeds, Saguaros & Skeletons' in the Ironwood Gallery!

July 13 — Caturday Night Live

Signature Drink — Black Cat Cocktail
Throughout the Night
寻找周围的博物馆讲解员讲解活体动物, celestial desert skies, fluorescent minerals, bats, kissing bugs, scorpions, rattlesnakes, and more!
6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Stingray Touch Exhibit
没有去游泳的夏日是不完整的! 将你的手浸入水中,体验黄貂鱼的触感. $3.00/person, $2.00/Museum members.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Packrat Playhouse
这个室内游戏空间让孩子们通过背包鼠的眼睛发现沙漠! Packrat Playhouse may reach capacity. Packrat剧场入口处设有30分钟的预留游戏时间.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Art Exhibits
Make sure to check out 'Seeds, Saguaros & Skeletons' in the Ironwood Gallery!

July 20 — Radical Reptiles

Throughout the Night
寻找周围的博物馆讲解员讲解活体动物, celestial desert skies, fluorescent minerals, bats, kissing bugs, scorpions, rattlesnakes, and more!
6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Stingray Touch Exhibit
没有去游泳的夏日是不完整的! 将你的手浸入水中,体验黄貂鱼的触感. $3.00/person, $2.00/Museum members.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Packrat Playhouse
这个室内游戏空间让孩子们通过背包鼠的眼睛发现沙漠! Packrat Playhouse may reach capacity. Packrat剧场入口处设有30分钟的预留游戏时间.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Art Exhibits
Make sure to check out 'Seeds, Saguaros & Skeletons' in the Ironwood Gallery!

July 27 — The Magic of Monsoons

令人难以置信的闪电风暴和第一场雨后的杂酚油醉人的香气是推荐一个买球网站最喜欢的季风季节的两件事! Bring your flashlight and explore, grab a local beer and wander, experience a live animal encounter, scamper in Packrat Playhouse, and feel the touch of a stingray.

Signature Drink — Electric Lemonade Cocktail
Throughout the Night
寻找周围的博物馆讲解员讲解活体动物, celestial desert skies, fluorescent minerals, bats, kissing bugs, scorpions, rattlesnakes, and more!
6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Stingray Touch Exhibit
没有去游泳的夏日是不完整的! 将你的手浸入水中,体验黄貂鱼的触感. $3.00/person, $2.00/Museum members.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Packrat Playhouse
这个室内游戏空间让孩子们通过背包鼠的眼睛发现沙漠! Packrat Playhouse may reach capacity. Packrat剧场入口处设有30分钟的预留游戏时间.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Art Exhibits
Make sure to check out 'Seeds, Saguaros & Skeletons' in the Ironwood Gallery!

August 3 — Singing with Saguaros

跟着网上买球十大正规平台家庭乐队嚎叫和布吉舞! 加入教育专家Michelle Miner和Kyleigh Sacco以及特别嘉宾,比如Mr. 大自然,辛登·斯威特和伊莱·贝伦-在绿洲监狱长剧院的沙漠风格演唱. Get your paws on our nature inspired music album! 带上你的手电筒去探索,在Packrat Playhouse里蹦蹦跳跳,感受黄貂鱼的触感.

Signature Drink — Cactus Cosmo
Throughout the Night
寻找周围的博物馆讲解员讲解活体动物, celestial desert skies, fluorescent minerals, bats, kissing bugs, scorpions, rattlesnakes, and more!
6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Stingray Touch Exhibit
没有去游泳的夏日是不完整的! 将你的手浸入水中,体验黄貂鱼的触感. $3.00/person, $2.00/Museum members.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Packrat Playhouse
这个室内游戏空间让孩子们通过背包鼠的眼睛发现沙漠! Packrat Playhouse may reach capacity. Packrat剧场入口处设有30分钟的预留游戏时间.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Art Exhibits
Make sure to check out 'Seeds, Saguaros & Skeletons' in the Ironwood Gallery!

August 10 — Insectopia

推荐一个买球网站为神奇的昆虫和节肢动物庆祝! 索诺兰沙漠是昆虫多样性的热点,这是你见到它们的机会. 在索诺兰沙漠安家的数百万种节肢动物中,你可以鸟瞰其中的许多物种. Bring your flashlight and explore, grab a local beer and wander, experience a live animal encounter, scamper in Packrat Playhouse, and feel the touch of a stingray.

Signature Drink — June bug Punch
Throughout the Night
寻找周围的博物馆讲解员讲解活体动物, celestial desert skies, fluorescent minerals, bats, kissing bugs, scorpions, rattlesnakes, and more!
6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Stingray Touch Exhibit
没有去游泳的夏日是不完整的! 将你的手浸入水中,体验黄貂鱼的触感. $3.00/person, $2.00/Museum members.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Packrat Playhouse
这个室内游戏空间让孩子们通过背包鼠的眼睛发现沙漠! Packrat Playhouse may reach capacity. Packrat剧场入口处设有30分钟的预留游戏时间.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Art Exhibits
Make sure to check out 'Seeds, Saguaros & Skeletons' in the Ironwood Gallery!

August 17 — Bat Night

Are you feeling batty? Come celebrate the only flying mammals — bats! The evening will be filled with fun, educational activities, talks, 以及设计来帮助你更好地欣赏这些令人惊叹的空中杂技的工艺品! Bring your flashlight and explore, grab a local beer and wander, experience a live animal encounter, scamper in Packrat Playhouse, and feel the touch of a stingray.

Signature Drink — Bat Bite
Throughout the Night
寻找周围的博物馆讲解员讲解活体动物, celestial desert skies, fluorescent minerals, bats, kissing bugs, scorpions, rattlesnakes, and more!
6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Stingray Touch Exhibit
没有去游泳的夏日是不完整的! 将你的手浸入水中,体验黄貂鱼的触感. $3.00/person, $2.00/Museum members.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Packrat Playhouse
这个室内游戏空间让孩子们通过背包鼠的眼睛发现沙漠! Packrat Playhouse may reach capacity. Packrat剧场入口处设有30分钟的预留游戏时间.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Art Exhibits

August 24 — Teacher Appreciation Night

与庆祝的老师和支持人员一起帮助推荐一个买球网站结束最后的凉爽夏夜. Teachers and Support Staff, enjoy free admission (including Stingray Touch), swag bags, freebies, raffle, and more. 推荐一个买球网站感谢为激励和教育推荐一个买球网站的孩子而付出的所有努力. Bring your flashlight and explore, grab a local beer and wander, experience a live animal encounter, scamper in Packrat Playhouse, and feel the touch of a stingray.

Signature Drink — Sour Patch Kids Margarita
Throughout the Night
寻找周围的博物馆讲解员讲解活体动物, celestial desert skies, fluorescent minerals, bats, kissing bugs, scorpions, rattlesnakes, and more!
6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Stingray Touch Exhibit
没有去游泳的夏日是不完整的! 将你的手浸入水中,体验黄貂鱼的触感. $3.00/person, $2.00/Museum members, free for teachers and support staff.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Packrat Playhouse
这个室内游戏空间让孩子们通过背包鼠的眼睛发现沙漠! Packrat Playhouse may reach capacity. Packrat剧场入口处设有30分钟的预留游戏时间.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Art Exhibits
